1900 France 5 Centimes - Very Nice LOOK , vendido en Julio 2010, ¡Por 1.25 US$!

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1900 France 5 Centimes - Very Nice LOOK

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1900 France 5 Centimes - Very Nice LOOK

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Here you have a very nice 1900 France 5 Centimes! Size 25mm. Photo is of the actual coin you will receive, you grade! If you need more info or photos then please ask before bidding! Remember, if a coin in circulation is more than 20 years old and has no tarnish then it has been cleaned at some point in time which is about 90% on eBay!

Because many of you have asked about the lighting in the pictures this is how I take coin photos: I use a Pentax Optio M30 7.1meg Digital Camera with settings of Super Macro & White Light with flash off. I use a small arm adjustable desk lamp with silver and gold colored coins to bring out every bit of detail my camera can capture. I do not use direct light with copper or bronze coins because the white light gives the coin a silver reflective look. While the light does bring out more detail it however gives the coin an unnatural color look in the photos. So I use just room lighting on copper & some worn silver coins.

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