1959 INDONESIA 500 RUPIAH FLOWER SERIES VF , vendido en Agosto 2010, ¡Por 21.5 US$!

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Indonesia Banknote - Flower Series


  500 Rupiah 1959

> Three Letters <

Condition :  Crisp VF, no tear, no pinhole, please see scan


Please READ Carefully the below condition before bidding :

1. Please Do not BID for fun !!2. No Discount for Shipping/Handling (S/H) Cost

3. For INTERNATIONAL Buyer :    Combine shipment

pay $4 only for S/H cost; total purchase over $300 must be sent by EMS, cost US$25

   Accept Payment through Paypal   Will send item(s) by Registered Airmail to WORLDWIDE

4.For INDONESIA (LOCAL) Buyer :   Pay $ 3.00 for S/H cost   Accept Bank Transfer5. All Payment due must be settled in 10 daysThank you and Happy Bidding

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