2 Vintage Rapala CountDown CD7 Salmon Pike Awesome L@@K , vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 5.99 GBP!
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2 Vintage Rapala CountDown CD7 Salmon Pike Awesome L@@K
a.imagelink {color:#000000;} a:hover.imagelink {color:#000000;} a:visited.imagelink {color:#839FBE;} a.imagelink img.auctionimage { border: 2px solid #000000; } a:visited.imagelink img.auctionimage { border: 2px solid #839FBE; }For Auction 2 Vintage Rapala CountDown CD7 Lures For All Freshwater Species
Made in Finland in the 1970ish in Very Good condition
Consistently reach suspended fish at any depth with the CountDown method. The controlled depth technique was introduced to the world with this lure, and to this day is the standard by which all others are measured. Whether the fish are suspending at certain depths near the weed tops or on bottom structure, the CountDown can get you to them over and over. The CD01 size is specifically designed for smaller fish, such as trout and panfish.SPECIES: All Freshwater SpeciesTECHNIQUE: Casting & TrollingRECOMMENDED LINE: RUNNING DEPTH: 1' - 13'RECOMMENDED KNOT: Rapala KnotColour; Rainbow Trout Model No.Body LengthWeightTreble Hooks CD011"1/16 ozOne No. 12 CD031 1/2"1/8 ozTwo No. 12 CD052"3/16 ozTwo No. 10 CD072 3/4"1/4 ozTwo No. 7 CD093 1/2"7/16 ozTwo No. 5 CD114 3/8"9/16 ozTwo No. 3COLOR CHOICES:S-Silver; G-Gold ; P-Perch ; RT-Rainbow Trout ; TR-Brown Trout ; BTR-Brook Trout ; OGMD-Olive Green Muddler; HMMD-Hot Mustard Muddler ; FMN-Fire Minnow ; B-Blue ; FT-Firetiger ; Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question