450g Foreign Charity Kiloware, On Paper, Unsorted , vendido en Junio 2010, ¡Por 5.5 GBP!
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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Item specifics - Rest of World StampsContinent: --Country: --Product Type: Collections/ BulkType: --Sub-Type: --Denomination: --Colour: --Year of Issue: --Theme: Collections/ BulkSub-Theme: --Quality: Used Freepost UKVisit my eBay storeAdd this store to favoritesUnfranked StampsStamp CollectingPlantsCosmeticsAbout Me
450 grams Foreign Stamps
Stock Clearance
Straight from charity kiloware
Large selection of whole world
and Commonwealth.
On paper.
Hundreds of stamps, good to fine used.
Old and new plus high values.
Many up to date issues.
Some British but mostly commemmoratives, high values or more interesting stamps.
Not sorted for rarities, watermarks, perfs. etc.
Would make a great starter pack or for those wanting more up to date genuine postal issues.
Will differ from picture.
*This is very much a 'pot luck' mix and each batch will differ. Duplicates are likely, with general diffinitives. They are as they come in to me, I just bag them into smaller quantities. This could mean that some countries may be represented more than others depending on how they come out of the bulk bag, but I do try to mix them where possible.
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