7, vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 0.99 GBP!

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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Item specificsCondition: Like NewGenre: RockRecord Size: Single (7-Inch)Sub-Genre: AlternativeSpeed: 45 RPM   var itemNumber = window.ebayItemID ? window.ebayItemID : -1; function passpara(){return '&id=1237859&itembgcolor=0xFFFFFF&bordercolor=0x000000&storewindowbgcolor=0xb8d6b6&toptextcolor=0xFFFFFF&bottomtextcolor=0xFFFFFF&stripcolor=0x516bc6&auctionclosemessagecolor=0xff0000&emptyboxmessagecolor=0xFFFFFF&buttovercolor=0x660000&buttoutcolor=0x00000AA&searchtitlecolor=0xFFFFFF&searchbuttbgcolor=0xc0c0c0&searchbutttextcolor=0x000000&searchbuttbordercolor=0x000000&itemhighlightcolor=0xfff000&navbuttonactivecolor=0x4bc1ee&navbuttonoutlinecolor=0xff9900&navbuttoninactivebgcolor=0x000000&siteid=3&cat=58671&item=' + itemNumber + '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));} function passparaSC(){return '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) +'&tagNum=1';}

7" vinyl EP - Bauhaus - Kick In The Eye (Searching For Satori)

Tracks: Kick In The Eye / Harry / Earwax

Record is in very good condition with only minimal surface marking, pic sleeve has signs of edgewear and creasing plus sticky label remnants front top right.,

Released on the Beggars Banquet label in 1982 on BEG74.

thanks for looking...


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