CINDERELLA PANORAMA BOOK Pop-up. Illus by Eulalie 1930s , vendido en Junio 2010, ¡Por 17.89 GBP!
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Cinderella Panorama Book.
Published by Collins. No date but probaby 1930s. Patent No. 495.153.
Six magnificent pop-up scenes with illustrations by Eulalie.
9ins by 6.75ins.
The black surround on four of the popups has torn away on one side and a couple of small pieces are missing. One pop-up has this surround beginning to split. The pop-ups themselves are still complete but the first two have begun to split down the central fold. Pocket at the front which should contain a clip to fasten the two covers together to make the complete panorama - this clip is missing. Boards a little warped and a bit marked and rubbed. In need of a little restorationbut an attractive pop-up version of this classic fairy tale.
UK 2nd class recorded is £2.69
Airmail to Europe is £3.73; to USA, Canada, Australia, Japan is £6.63
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