Exlibris/bookplate mezzotint Maria Josefa Colom (ESP) , vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 5 EUR!
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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Librix ArtsVisit my eBay storeAdd this store to favorites|Sign up for newsletterSearch StoreStore CategoriesStore homeexlibrisbooksLithographEtchingMixed techniqueScreenprintComputor generated designOther
Exlibris / bookplate mezzotint Maria Josefa Colom (SPAIN)
for Rafael Maso
Technique : C7 (mezzotint)
Paper size : 143x117mm
Plate size : 119x87mm
Condition : very good
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Payment needs to be received within 10 days after the auction has ended.
Shipping can be combined unlimited but if the weight of the package exceeds 350 grams the actual shippingcosts will be charged.
Items are shipped 24 hours after the payment has cleared. I'm not responsible for any delays, damages or loss due to the postal services. But if any problems occur, contact me and we will work out a reasonable solution.
If you're not satisfied with the item, you will receive a 100 % refund if the item is returned in its original condition within 7 days.
When you receive the item safely, please leave feedback so i know the transaction has been concluded satisfactorily.
Op 06-mei-07 om 00:34:08 CEST heeft de verkoper de volgende informatie toegevoegd:
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Business Seller Information
Librix ArtsW. Van GyselWulpstraat 31-33 bus 92170 AntwerpenBelgiëPhone: 036444424Email: librixarts@telenet.beReturn policyTeruggaven worden aanvaard tot 7 dagen na ontvangst van het object. De prijs van het object wordt terugbetaald binnen de week na ontvangst van het teruggestuurde object. Het teruggestuurde object moet wel in zijn originele staat zijn. De verzendingskosten voor het terugzenden van het object blijven ten laste van de koper. Objects can be returned up to 7 days after the buyer has received the item. A refund for the price of the object is given within the week after the seller has received the returned object. The object has to be in it's original condition. Shippingcosts and any other costs for returning the item are at the buyer's expense.Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question00019Puede que también te interese...
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