Genuine CONFIANÇA - , vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 0.99 GBP!
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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Item specificsCondition: NewBrand: ConfiançaVolume: 125.0Product Type: Soap
Genuine CONFIANÇA - "Veleiro" Vegetable Soap for Men
You are bidding on a genuine Confiança Soap. Confiança means trust in portuguese.
"Veleiro", a vegetable soap, for men, face and body. Classic scent, that will last until the end of the bar.
From the same range I'm also selling the "Veleiro" shaving cream.
Founded in 1894, the Saboaria e Perfumaria Confiança (Soaps and Perfumes shop) always developed their quality and range of products throw the years. Today, they are stablished as a luxury bath products range, keeping and recreating their retro packages.
If you ever came to Portugal, for sure you have founded this soap in many hotels.
For those who looks for a great quality soap, in lovely vintage packages.
Any questions, please ask.
Happy bidding!
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