Green Heart Folding Crystal Hangbag Purse Hooks Holder , vendido en Junio 2010, ¡Por 0.59 US$!

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Green Heart Folding Crystal Hangbag Purse Hooks Holder

Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.dream mall hkVisit my eBay storeAdd this store to favorites|Sign up for newsletterSearch StoreWedding GlovesBelly DanceScarfPurse Hook HolderGlassesItems On Sale Hot Seller!!! Green Heart Folding Crystal Hangbag Purse Hooks Holder

Heart Folding Crystal Hangbag Purse Hooks Holder are portable, lighter than your cell phone, and easy-peasy to use.Instead of a cumbersome traditional purse hook, Our purse hook has a stylish chain that wraps around a swanky circular top,made only with recycled zinc alloy. Details:1, Color: Green (we also have Light blue, Pink, Light Green, Light Yellow, Light Purple,Grass,Green,Red,Blue,Green Blue,Yellow, Purple, Coffee, Black)2, Frame Materials: Recycled Zinc Alloy.3, Hook Clearance: 2 1/4 inch4, Size: 1 5/8" dia.,1/2" thick, 3 1/2"L-when open5, Weight Capacity: 20 lbs6, Non-skid rubber behind.7, Magnet, easy to fold.8, Packaging: flat package.

We accept PayPal, e-cheque and Credit Card via only.

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