Incredible 50s shaving kit-boxed and unused.Gillette , vendido en Junio 2010, ¡Por 5.99 GBP!
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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Item specifics - Barber Shop/ Shaving CollectablesType: Shaving/ Grooming KitsBrand: --Condition: New HABTIRDASVisit my eBay storeAdd this store to favoritesSearch StoreStore CategoriesStore homeCollectiblesCameras & PhotoSporting GoodsToys & HobbiesHome & GardenBusiness & IndustrialPottery & Glass var itemNumber = window.ebayItemID ? window.ebayItemID : -1; function passpara(){return '&id=126901&itembgcolor=0x5f654b&bordercolor=0x000006&storewindowbgcolor=0xc9be9b&toptextcolor=0xfcc74e&bottomtextcolor=0xfcc74e&stripcolor=0x4f1722&auctionclosemessagecolor=0x4f1722&emptyboxmessagecolor=0x4f1722&buttovercolor=0x4f1722&buttoutcolor=0x4f1722&searchtitlecolor=0xfcc74e&searchbuttbgcolor=0xfcc74e&searchbutttextcolor=0x4f1722&searchbuttbordercolor=0x5f654b&itemhighlightcolor=0xfcc74e&navbuttonactivecolor=0xfcc74e&navbuttonoutlinecolor=0xc9be9b&navbuttoninactivebgcolor=0xfcc74e&siteid=3&cat=887&item=' + itemNumber + '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));} HABTIRDAS Store function passparaSC(){return '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) + '&sitebaseurl=';} Incredible 50s shaving kit-boxed and unused.Gillette a.imagelink {color:#5f654b;} a:hover.imagelink {color:#5f654b;} a:visited.imagelink {color:#4f1722;} a.imagelink img.auctionimage { border: 2px solid #5f654b; } a:visited.imagelink img.auctionimage { border: 2px solid #4f1722; }
Still in its original box and never used in any way. Standard Gillette razor and a nice shaving brush.
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