JOE GIBBS~CULTURE~Zion Gate~JAMAICAN 12 ~GREAT condit! , vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 15.49 GBP!

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  "Zion Rock/Zion Gate"

An elusive 12 inch in GREAT condition!

Issued on Errol T Records..Complete with Joe Gibbs company sleeve..

The disc looks EX+ and plays perfectly..).

The labels are undamaged....

"Zion Gate" is by Culture,Forty Leg Dread and Prince Mohammid.


Uk buyers are welcome to collect this in person or from The Southend Record Fair on the 10th October at the NEW VENUE:West Leigh Schools on the A 13...SS9 2JB.

POSTAGE RATES....Did you know that Paypal take commission on postal charges??.

Post to RUSSIA is experiencing delays due to problems with the volume of parcels that Russian customs are dealing with..Delivery may take up to a MONTH!!  







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Business Seller Information

SouthendRecordFair 76 Central AvenueSouthend On SeaEssexss2 5hsUnited Kingdom

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