JOE GIBBS~ELPEDIO+SONICS~ Jamaican Reggae 45~EX++ , vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 5.5 GBP!

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 Jamaican 45

 There is LOADS more reggae to list so keep checking the site!..

Impossible to find in this condition!

Issued on Crazy Joe (undated)..Jamaican pressing..

The Elpedio track is "Right Time",The Joe Gibbs track is "Now" (which is,in reality a version of the Elpedio track)....

The disc has been played ONCE (by me,I like to check these Jamaican pressings as some of them can look a bit dodgy!) and it plays like NEW!...

Southend Record Fair has a NEW venue..West Leigh Schools on the A 13 (SS9 2JB)..10th October and then the SECOND sunday in each month....





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Business Seller Information

SouthendRecordFair 76 Central AvenueSouthend On SeaEssexss2 5hsUnited Kingdom

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