Kevyn Aucoin: Expert Lip Tint-ThelmaDora/Rosy Nude , vendido en Mayo 2010, ¡Por 0.99 US$!

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Kevyn Aucoin: Expert Lip Tint-ThelmaDora/Rosy Nude

Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Last updated on 10:36:08 AM PDT, May 21, 2010 View all revisionsItem specificsCondition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item. See the seller's listing for full details. See all condition definitionsLip Product Type: LipstickBrand: Kevyn AucoinForm, Textures: StickMakeup Type: Lip Makeup   var itemNumber = window.ebayItemID ? window.ebayItemID : -1; function passpara(){return '&id=1405957&itembgcolor=0xFFFFFF&bordercolor=0x000000&storewindowbgcolor=0xf1f1f1&toptextcolor=0xFFFFFF&bottomtextcolor=0xFFFFFF&stripcolor=0x006ab1&auctionclosemessagecolor=0xff0000&emptyboxmessagecolor=0xFFFFFF&buttovercolor=0x660000&buttoutcolor=0x00000AA&searchtitlecolor=0xFFFFFF&searchbuttbgcolor=0xc0c0c0&searchbutttextcolor=0x000000&searchbuttbordercolor=0x000000&itemhighlightcolor=0xfff000&navbuttonactivecolor=0x000006&navbuttonoutlinecolor=0xff9900&navbuttoninactivebgcolor=0x000000&siteid=0&cat=11868&item=' + itemNumber + '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));} hautelook Store function passparaSC(){return '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) + '&sitebaseurl=';} #container {background:url( center repeat-y #1f0100;} #mainpage {margin:0; font-size:15px; line-height:18px; font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif; background:url( repeat-x; padding-top:73px;} a {color:#775b30;} a:hover {text-decoration:none;} #mainbody{background:url( center repeat-y #1f0100;} #container {width:1000px; margin:0 auto; text-align: left;} #header {margin:0 20px; background:url( no-repeat #FFFFFF; height:80px;} #logo {float:left; height:30px; padding:50px 0 0 90px; background:url( no-repeat 40px 40px; width:290px;} #logo a {color:#000000; font-size:24px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase;} #menu {float:left; height:30px; padding:50px 0 0 0; width:580px;} #menu ul {margin:0; padding:0;} #menu ul li {display:inline; list-style:none;} #menu ul a {display:block; float:left; font-size:18px; text-decoration:none; padding:0 10px 2px 10px; color:#000000;} #menu ul a:hover {background-color:#F7F2EE;} #main {margin:0 20px; background-color:#FFFFFF; float:left;} #text {float:right; width:500px; padding:10px 20px 0 20px;} #text ul {padding:0; margin:10px 0 10px 40px;} #text ul li {padding-left:20px; background:url( no-repeat; list-style:none;} h1 {margin:20px 0 0 0; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:20px; font-weight:normal;} #text p {margin:10px 0;} #sidebar {float:left; width:370px; background:url( no-repeat 0 10px; padding:470px 0px 20px 50px; color:#775b30; font-size:12px;} #footer {height:149px; clear:both; background:url( no-repeat; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:10px; color:#5c5c5c;} #left_footer {float:left; padding:40px 0 0 50px;} #right_footer {float:right; padding:40px 50px 0 0;}



kevyn aucoin: the expert lip tint - thelmadora, is a warm nude shade


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