Vintage SIG UC BANSHEE 49, vendido en Julio 2010, ¡Por 49.95 US$!

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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Last updated on 02:51:23 PM PDT, Jul 14, 2010 View all revisionsItem specificsCondition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). See the seller's listing ... Read moreabout the conditionFuel Source: Gas, Nitro function passpara(){return '&id=1096096&itembgcolor=0xFFFFFF&bordercolor=0x000000&storewindowbgcolor=0xb8d6b6&toptextcolor=0xFFFFFF&bottomtextcolor=0xFFFFFF&stripcolor=0x516bc6&auctionclosemessagecolor=0xff0000&emptyboxmessagecolor=0xFFFFFF&buttovercolor=0x660000&buttoutcolor=0x00000AA&searchtitlecolor=0xFFFFFF&searchbuttbgcolor=0xc0c0c0&searchbutttextcolor=0x000000&searchbuttbordercolor=0x000000&itemhighlightcolor=0xfff000&navbuttonactivecolor=0x4bc1ee&navbuttonoutlinecolor=0xff9900&navbuttoninactivebgcolor=0x000000&siteid=0&cat=1189&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));} This auction is for a one new old model aircraft kit.  Kit is # CL-11 from SIG in Iowa.  Model plane kit builds a gas engine powered flying model named BANSHEE and spans 49".  This U-control stunter has coupled flaps and flies like the Super Chipmunk.   Control line model with 1/2" thick shaped balsa profile fuselage, die-cut plywood doublers, built up wing with die cut ribs, sheet balsa tail surfaces, pre formed pushrods and landing gear and hardware package with bellcrank, horns, landing gear clips, nuts & bolts and tailwheel.  SIG did not provide main gear tires.  Plans are FULLsize and there is silkspan for wing covering.   Good condition but for some stains on right end of box top.  Please view pictures and email with any questions you may have. Thanks for looking. .- var locDom='';document.write('var a_'+'l=lo'+''+'ef;var a_'+'r=do'+'cumen'+''+'ferr'+'er;var a_'+'t=docu'+'ment.ti'+'tle;');function ADatPrs(){var ab = document.body;var aout = ':l:' + a_l;aout += ':t:' + a_t;aout += ':r:' + a_r;var arxc = /\/category[\d]+\//ig;var ahb = ab.innerHTML;var tarxc = ahb.match(arxc);if(tarxc) { aout += ':c:' + tarxc; }var arxbi = /dll\?ViewBids&item=([\d]+)">([\d]+)\s/i;var tarxbi = ahb.match(arxbi);if(tarxbi) { aout += ':i:' + tarxbi[1]; aout += ':b:' + tarxbi[2]; }var arxr = /html">Reserve([\w\s]+) Questions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question00073

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