X Box game Worms 3d sega xbox classics , vendido en Septiembre 2010, ¡Por 5.5 GBP!

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X Box game Worms 3d sega xbox classics

Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.Last updated on 11:34:51 AM PDT, Sep 04, 2010 View all revisionsItem specifics - Video GamesCondition: Like NewPlatform: Microsoft XboxGenre: StrategyFormat: PAL (UK Standard) --   var itemNumber = window.ebayItemID ? window.ebayItemID : -1; function passpara(){return '&id=820917&itembgcolor=0x888888&bordercolor=0x000006&storewindowbgcolor=0xEFEFEF&toptextcolor=0x000006&bottomtextcolor=0x000006&stripcolor=0xD0D0D0&auctionclosemessagecolor=0xFF0000&emptyboxmessagecolor=0x000006&buttovercolor=0x660000&buttoutcolor=0xFFFFFF&searchtitlecolor=0x000006&searchbuttbgcolor=0xC0C0C0&searchbutttextcolor=0x000006&searchbuttbordercolor=0x000006&itemhighlightcolor=0xFFF000&navbuttonactivecolor=0x4BC1EE&navbuttonoutlinecolor=0xFF9900&navbuttoninactivebgcolor=0x000006&siteid=3&cat=38604&item=' + itemNumber + '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));} carla85uk Store function passparaSC(){return '&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) + '&sitebaseurl=http://www.auctiva.com&tagNum=0';} Microsoft XBOX gameWorms 3dwith origional bookused but still in full working orderQuestions and answers about this item No questions or answers have been posted about this item. Ask a question--

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